Multlingva vortaro de mallongigoj

En la angla

→ En la angla
Iru al la paĝo 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130



Temoj kaj lokoj


Understanding Children's Work and its Impact

En la angla


User-Developed Application

En la angla


Update Buffer

En la angla

    Universal Decimal Classification

    = UDK | Universala Dekuma Klasifiko | En Esperanto
    = CDU | Classification Décimale Universelle | En la franca
    = UDC | Universele Decimale Classificatie | En la nederlanda
    = CDU | Clasificación Decimal Universal | En la hispana
    = UDC | Universel Decimal Classifikation | En la dana

    En la angla


    Utility Distribution Center

    En la angla


      User Data Convergence

      En la angla


      University of the District of Columbia

      En la angla


      University of the District of Columbia Community College (

      En la angla


      Universal Description Discovery and Integration

      En la angla


      Unit Development Folder

      En la angla

        Universal Declaration of Human Rights

        = UDHR | Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj | En Esperanto
        = DUDH | Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme | En la franca
        = DUDH | Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos | En la hispana
        = GEAU | Giza Eskubideen Aldarrikapen Unibertsala | En la eŭska
        = VDLP | Všeobecná deklarace lidských práv | En la ĉeĥa
        = UVMR | Universele Verklaring van Menseregte | En la afrikansa
        = DUDH | Declaración Universal dos Dereitos Humanos | En la galega
        = MSÞ | Mannréttindayfirlýsing Sameinuðu þjóðanna | En la islanda
        = DUDU | Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani | En la itala
        = PDPC | Powszechna Deklaracja Praw Człowieka | En la pola
        = DUDH | Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos | En la portugala
        = DUDO | Declaraţia Universală a Drepturilor Omului | En la rumana
        = ВДПЧ | Всеобщая декларация прав человека | En la rusa
        = İHEB | İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirisi | En la turka

        En la angla


        Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine

        En la angla


        Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine Hydrazine Blend

        En la angla


        Ultra Density Optical

        En la angla


          Ultrahigh Doppler

          En la angla


            User Datagram Protocol

            En la angla

            User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol

            La mallongigo UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol) inkluzivas la mallongigon IP (Internet Protocol).

            En la angla


            User Data Repository

            En la angla


            Universal Documentation System

            En la angla


            Utility Distribution System

            En la angla


              Uniform Data Systems

              En la angla


              United Democratic Sudan Forum

              En la angla


              Ugandan Development Theater Association

              En la angla

              Ultra Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

              La mallongigo UDWDM (Ultra Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) inkluzivas la mallongigojn DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) kaj WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing).

              En la angla


              User Equipment

              En la angla


              University of East Anglia (

              En la angla


              Utah Education Association

              En la angla


              United Energy Associates (

              En la angla


              Urban Exploration Alberta

              En la angla


              University Electro-Communications Bulletin

              En la angla

              Union of European Federalists

              = UEF | Unio de la Europaj Federistoj | En Esperanto

              En la angla

              Union of European Football Associations (

              = UEFA | Union Européenne de Football Association | En la franca

              En la angla

              Union for Europe of the Nations

              = UEN | Union pour l'Europe des Nations | En la franca
              = UEN | Union für ein Europa der Nationen | En la germana
              = UEN | Unio por Eŭropo de Nacioj | En Esperanto
              = UEN | Unión por la Europa de las Naciones | En la hispana
              = UEN | Unión pola Europa das Nacións | En la galega
              = UEN | Unione per l'Europa delle Nazioni | En la itala
              = UEN | Unie voor een Europa van Nationale Staten | En la nederlanda
              = UEN | Unia na rzecz Europy Narodów | En la pola
              = UEN | União para a Europa das Nações | En la portugala
              = UNE | Unionen för nationernas Europa | En la sveda

              En la angla


              Undergraduate Exchange Program

              En la angla


              Unique-Equipment Register

              En la angla

                Unified Energy System

                = ЕЭС | Единые Энергетические Системы | En la rusa

                En la angla


                University Enterprise Training Partnership

                En la angla


                Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards

                En la angla


                Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (

                En la angla


                User File Directory

                En la angla


                Uterine Fibroid Embolisation

                En la angla

                Unidentified Flying Object

                = OVNI | Objet Volant Non Identifié | En la franca
                = OVNI | Objecte Volador No Identificat | En la kataluna
                = НЛО | Неидентифициран летящ обект | En la bulgara
                = OVNI | Objeto Volador No Identificado | En la hispana
                = UFO | Unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt | En la germana
                = UFO | Unknown Flying Object | En la angla
                = UFO | Uidentificeret flyvende objekt | En la dana
                = NIFO | Neidentigita Fluganta Objekto | En Esperanto
                = UFO | Unbekend fleanend objekt | En la frisa
                = עב"מ | עצם בלתי מזוהה | En la hebrea
                = OVNI | Oggetto Volante Non Identificato | En la itala
                = NLO | Neidentificēts lidojošs objekts | En la latva
                = UFO | Uidentifisert flygende objekt | En la norvega
                = UFO | Uidentifisert flygande objekt | En Nynorsk
                = NOL | Niezidentyfikowany Obiekt Latający | En la pola
                = OVNI | Objeto Voador Não Identificado | En la portugala
                = OZN | Obiect Zburător Neidentificat | En la rumana
                = НЛО | Неопознанный летающий объект | En la rusa
                = NLO | Neidentifikovani leteći objekat | En la serbokroata

                En la angla

                Unknown Flying Object

                = OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (vidu supre)

                En la angla


                United Federation of Planets

                En la angla


                University Grants Committee

                En la angla


                User Generated Content

                En la angla


                Undergraduate Library

                En la angla


                US Geological Survey Journal Research

                En la angla


                Ukrainian Historical Association

                En la angla


                Urban History Association

                En la angla


                Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and Industry

                En la angla


                Ultrahigh Frequency

                En la angla

                  Ultra High Frequency

                  = УКВ | Ультракороткие волны | En la rusa
                  = UKW | Ultrakurzwelle | En la germana

                  En la angla


                  Ultra High Frequency/Very High Frequency

                  En la angla


                  Umbilical Handling Technician

                  En la angla


                  User Interface

                  En la angla


                  Uganda Investment Authority

                  En la angla


                  University of Illinois at Chicago (

                  En la angla


                  Universal Instruments Corporation (

                  En la angla


                  Unit Identification Code

                  En la angla

                    Universal Integrated Circuit Card

                    La mallongigo UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card) inkluzivas la mallongigojn ICC (Integrated Circuit Card) kaj IC (Integrated Circuit).

                    En la angla


                    User Integration Implementation Plan

                    En la angla


                      Unstructured Information Management Architecture

                      En la angla


                      User Interface Markup Language

                      En la angla


                      User Interface Management System

                      En la angla


                      Universal Infrared Receiver

                      En la angla


                      University of Iowa Research Foundation (

                      En la angla


                      Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope

                      En la angla


                      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (

                      En la angla

                      UIUC DLI

                      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Digital Library Initiative

                      En la angla

                      User Interface Working Group

                      La mallongigo UIWG (User Interface Working Group) inkluzivas la mallongigon IWG (Interface Working Group).

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency

                      En la angla


                      University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom Independent Broadcasting

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom-India Education Research Initiative (

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom Interprofessional Group

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom Research and Innovation (

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom Serials Group

                      En la angla


                      United Kingdom - USA Security Agreement

                      En la angla

                      Underwriters Laboratories

                      = ULI | Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated | En la angla

                      En la angla


                      Ultra Short-Laser Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy

                      En la angla


                      Ultra Short-Laser Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy

                      En la angla


                      Union List of Astronomy Serials

                      En la angla

                      Unpressurized Logistics Carrier

                      La mallongigo ULC (Unpressurized Logistics Carrier) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigo PLC (Pressurized Logistics Carrier).

                      En la angla

                      Unpressurized Logistics Carrier Interface

                      La mallongigo ULCI (Unpressurized Logistics Carrier Interface) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigo PLCI (Pressurized Logistics Carrier Interface).

                      En la angla


                      Uncertainty-Lineage Database

                      En la angla

                      Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated

                      = UL, ULI (vidu supre)

                      En la angla


                      Unpressurized Logistics Module

                      En la angla

                      Unmanned Launch Operations

                      La mallongigo ULO (Unmanned Launch Operations) inkluzivas la mallongigon LO (Launch Operations).

                      En la angla


                      University Leaders for a Sustainable Future

                      En la angla


                      Ultra-Large-Scale Integration

                      En la angla

                      Unmanned Launch Vehicle

                      La mallongigo ULV (Unmanned Launch Vehicle) inkluzivas la mallongigon LV (Launch Vehicle).

                      En la angla


                      Unscheduled Maintenance

                      En la angla


                      Unified Messaging

                      En la angla


                      University Malaya Medical Centre

                      En la angla


                      University of Maryland (

                      En la angla


                      Ursulines of Mary Immaculate

                      En la angla


                      Upper Mechanical Integration Frame

                      En la angla


                      Unified Modeling Language

                      En la angla


                      Unified Medical Language System

                      En la angla


                      Unmanned Orbital

                      En la angla


                      Unique Medical Proposition

                      En la angla


                      Utility Muffin Research Kitchen

                      En la angla


                      Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

                      En la angla


                      Unmanned Vertical Flight

                      En la angla

                      United Nations (

                      La mallongigo UN (United Nations) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs), UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), UNU (United Nations University), UNOSDP (United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace), UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification), UN/CEFACT (United Nations Centre for the Facilitation of procedures and practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport), UN/ECE (United Nations/Economic and Social Council), UNDRO (Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator), UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute), UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women), UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency (for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)), UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements), UNEF (United Nations Emergency Force), UNSC (United Nations Space Command), UNSC (United Nations Security Council), UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization), UNIDIR (United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research), UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force), UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), UNPSA (United Nations Programme on Space Applications), UNDTA (United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum), UNBRO (United Nations Border Relief Operations), UNKRA (United Nations Korean Relief Agency), UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development) kaj UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan).

                      = UN | Unuiĝintaj Nacioj | En Esperanto
                      = ONU | Organisation des Nations Unies | En la franca
                      = ONU | Organizazión d'as Nazions Unitas | En la aragona
                      = ААН | Арганіза́цыя Аб'ядна́ных На́цый | En la belorusa
                      = VN | Verenigde Nasies | En la afrikansa
                      = ONU | Organización de les Naciones Uníes | En la astura
                      = OOH | Организацията на обединените нации | En la bulgara
                      = ABU | Aozadur ar Broadoù Unanet | En la bretona
                      = OSN | Organizace Spojených Národů | En la ĉeĥa
                      = ПНО | Пĕрлешнĕ Нацисен Организацийĕ | En la ĉuvaŝa
                      = ՄԱԿ | Միավորված Ազգերի Կազմակերպություն | En la armena
                      = FN | Feriene Naasjes | En la frisa
                      = NBE | Nazio Batuen Erakundea | En la eŭska
                      = ONU | Organizacion de las Nacions Unidas | En la okcitana
                      = UN | Unuiĝinta Naciaro | En Esperanto
                      = UN | Ujedinjeni Narodi | En la bosnia
                      = CN | Consociatio Nationum | En la latina
                      = FN | Forenede Nationer | En la dana
                      = UN | Unionita Nacioni | En Ido
                      = ONU | Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite | En la itala
                      = KU | Kenedhlow Unys | En la kornvala
                      = ONU | Organització de les Nacions Unides | En la kataluna
                      = ΟΗΕ | Οργανισμός Ηνωμένων Εθνών | En la greka
                      = ΗΕ | Ηνωμένα Έθνη | En la greka
                      = ONU | Organización de las Naciones Unidas | En la hispana
                      = VN | Vereinte Nationen | En la germana
                      = VN | Verenigde Naties | En la nederlanda
                      = VN | Vereent Natiounen | En la luksemburga
                      = ООН | Организация Oбъединённых Hаций | En la rusa
                      = ONU | Organisacion des Nacions Unies | En la arpitana
                      = ONZ | Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych | En la pola
                      = BMT | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti | En la uzbeka
                      = ООН | Організація Об'єднаних Націй | En la ukraina
                      = BM | Birleşmiş Milletler | En la turka
                      = LHiQ | Liên Hiệp Quốc | En la vjetnama
                      = OKB | Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara | En la albana
                      = OSN | Organizácia Spojených národov | En la slovaka
                      = OZN | Organizacija Združenih Narodov | En la slovena
                      = УН | Уједињене нације | En la serba
                      = FN | Förenta nationerna | En la sveda
                      = UM | Umoja wa Mataifa | En la svahila
                      = NU | Nazzioni Uniti | En la sicilia
                      = ONU | Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite | En la rumana
                      = ONU | Organização das Nações Unidas | En la portugala
                      = VN | Vereenten Natschonen | En la platgermana
                      = ST | Sameindu Tjóðir | En la feroa
                      = HN | Huñusqa Nasyunkuna | En keĉuaj lingvoj
                      = PBB | Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu | En la malaja
                      = NA | Na Náisiúin Aontaithe | En la irlanda
                      = NY | Neteweyên Yekbûyî | En la kurda
                      = ÜRO | Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon | En la estona
                      = SÞ | Sameinuðu þjóðanna | En la islanda
                      = ЕМрО | Еидгылоу Амилаҭқәа Рорганизациа | En la abĥaza
                      = ДЛО | Дунэе Лъэпкъ Организацие | En la adigea
                      = የተ.መ.ድ. | የተባበሩት መንግሥታት ድርጅት | En la amhara
                      = ЦМГІ | Цолъарал Миллатазул ГІуцІи | En la avara
                      = BMT | Birləşmiş Millətlər Təşkilatı | En la azerbajĝana
                      = VN | Vaoantn Nationa | En la bavara
                      = JTO | Jongtėniu Tautū Uorganėzacėjė | En la ĵemajtia
                      = БМО | Берләшкән Милләттәр Ойошмаһы | En la baŝkira
                      = НҮБ | Нэгэдэһэн Үндэһэтэнэй Байгуулга | BXR
                      = BM | Birleşken Milletler | En la krime-tatara
                      = CU | Cenhedloedd Unedig | En la kimra
                      = ONU | Organización las Nacionis Unías | En la ekstremadura
                      = އ.ދ | އެކުވެރި ދައުލަތްތައް | En la maldiva
                      = ÜRO | Ütistünüisi Rahvidõ Organisatsiuun | En la voroa
                      = ÜR | Ütistünüq Rahvaq | En la voroa
                      = YK | Yhdistyneet kansakunnat | En la finna
                      = ONU | Organizazion des Nazions Unidis | En la friulana
                      = ONI | Organizasyon di sé Nasyonzini | En gujana kreolo
                      = ONU | Organización das Nacións Unidas | En la galega
                      = AU | Ny h-Ashoonyn Unnaneysit | En la manksa
                      = UN | United Nations | En la fiĝia hindia
                      = UN | Ujedinjeni narodi | En la kroata
                      = ENSZ | Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete | En la hungara
                      = ՄԱԿ | Միաւորուած Ազգերու Կազմակերպութիւն | En la okcident-armena
                      = ONU | Organisation del Nationes Unite | En la Interlingvao
                      = PBB | Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa | En la indonezia
                      = OUN | Organisation del Unit Nationes | En Interlingveo
                      = PBB | Pasarékatan Bangsa-Bangsa | En la java
                      = BMSh | Birlesken Milletler Shólkemi | En la karakalpaka
                      = გაერო | გაერთიანებული ერების ორგანიზაცია | En la kartvela
                      = ЛъЗ | Лъэпкъ Зэгуэтхэр | En la kabarda
                      = БМО | Бирлешген Миллетлени Организациясы | En la karaĉaja-balkara
                      = ӦВК | Ӧтувтчӧм Войтыръяслӧн Котыр | En la komia
                      = БУУ | Бириккен Улуттар Уюму | En la kirgiza
                      = СМТ | Садхьанвай миллетрин тешкилат | LEZ
                      = NU | Nasiones Unida | En nova Lingvafrankao
                      = VN | Verenigde Naties | En la limburga
                      = ÜNU | Urganizaziun di Naziun Ünii | En la lombarda
                      = LIBIMO | Lisangá lya Bikólo bya Mokili mobimba | En la lingala
                      = LBM | Lisangá lya Bikólo bya Molɔ́ngɔ́ | En la lingala
                      = JTO | Jungtinių Tautų Organizacija | En la litova
                      = ANO | Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācija | En la latva
                      = PBB | Pasarékatan Bangsa-Bangsa | En la bilma-kanura
                      = FM | Firenena Mikambana | MLG
                      = ИНО | Иктыш ушнышо Наций-влак Организаций | MHR
                      = PBB | Pasarikatan Banso-Banso | MIN
                      = ООН | Организација на обединетите нации | En la makedona
                      = НҮБ | Нэгдсэн Үндэстний Байгууллага | En la mongola
                      = संरा | संयुक्त राष्ट्रे | En la marata
                      = SN | Dei sameinte nasjonane | En Nynorsk
                      = FN | De forente nasjoner | En la norvega
                      = ߡ.ߟ.ߛ | ߡߊ߲߬ߕߏ߲ ߘߍ߬ߣߍ߲ ߛߌ߲߬ߝߏ߲߬ߧߊ߬ߟߌ | NQO
                      = ONE | Organisatioun des Natiouns Eunies | En la normana
                      = ИНО | Иугонд Нациты Организаци | En la oseta
                      = HA | Huñusqa Aylluskakuna | En keĉuaj lingvoj
                      = ONU | Organisassion dle Nassion Unìe | En la piemonta
                      = ONU | Organisaziun da las Naziuns unidas | En la romanĉa
                      = ОЗН | Орґанізація Зъєдиненых Націй | En la rusina
                      = ХНТ | Холбоһуктаах Нациялар Тэрилтэлэрэ | En la jakuta
                      = UNO | Unitit Naitions Organisation | En la skota
                      = UN | Unitit Naitions | En la skota
                      = ON | Ovttastuvvan Našuvnnat | En la nord-samea
                      = MNP | Mubatanidzwa weNyika Pasirose | En la ŝona
                      = QM | Qaramada Midoobay | En la somala
                      = OKB | Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara | En la albana
                      = PBB | Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa | En la sunda
                      = СММ | Созмони Милали Муттаҳид | En la taĝika
                      = BMG | Birleşen Milletler Guramasy | En la turkmena
                      = БМО | Берләшкән Милләтләр Оешмасы | En la tatara
                      = ОНО | Огазеяськем Нациослэн Организацизы | En la udmurta
                      = ONU | Organixasion dełe Nasion Unìe | En la venecia
                      = ÜRO | Ühtenzoittud Rahvahiden Organizacii | En la vepsa
                      = ÜRK | Ühthižrahvazkundad | En la vepsa
                      = ÜN | Ühtištetad Nacijad | En la vepsa
                      = NNP | Nogan Netas Pebalöl | En Volapuko
                      = ONU | Organizåcion des Nåcions Uneyes | En la valona
                      = KMX | Kureelu Mbootayu Xeet yi | En la volofa
                      = AOA | Àgbájọ àwọn Orílẹ̀-èdè Aṣòkan | En la joruba

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Centre for the Facilitation of procedures and practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport

                      La mallongigo UN/CEFACT (United Nations Centre for the Facilitation of procedures and practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations/Economic and Social Council

                      La mallongigo UN/ECE (United Nations/Economic and Social Council) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

                      La mallongigo UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Border Relief Operations

                      La mallongigo UNBRO (United Nations Border Relief Operations) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      University of North Carolina (

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

                      La mallongigo UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Centre for Human Settlements

                      La mallongigo UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = CNUEH | Centre des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains | En la franca
                      = CNUAH | Centro de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos | En la hispana
                      = CNUAH | Centro das Nações Unidas sobre Assentamentos Humanos | En la portugala

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (

                      La mallongigo UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = CNUDCI | Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International | En la franca
                      = ЮНСИТРАЛ | Комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций по праву международной торговли | En la rusa
                      = CNUDMI | Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional | En la hispana

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (

                      La mallongigo UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = CNUCED | Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement | En la franca
                      = ЮНКТАД | Конференция на ООН за търговия и развитие | En la bulgara
                      = CNUCYD | Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo | En la hispana
                      = KUNKD | Konferenco de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Komerco kaj Disvolvado | En Esperanto
                      = UNCTAD | გაეროს ვაჭრობისა და განვითარების კონფერენცია | En la kartvela
                      = UNCTAD | การประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการค้าและการพัฒนา | En la taja
                      = UNCTAD | 聯合國貿易及發展委員會 | En ĉinaj lingvoj

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (

                      La mallongigo UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = FNUOD | Force des Nations Unies chargée d'Observer le Désengagement | En la franca
                      = FNUOS | Fuerza de las Naciones Unidas de Observación de la Separación | En la hispana
                      = FNUOS | Força das Nações Unidas de Observação da Separação | En la portugala
                      = СООННР | Силы Организации Объединенных Наций по Наблюдению за Разъединением | En la rusa

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Development Programme

                      La mallongigo UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = PNUD | Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement | En la franca
                      = PNUD | Programa de les Naciones Uníes pa'l Desendolcu | En la astura
                      = PNUD | Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare | En la rumana
                      = PUND | Programo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Disvolvado | En Esperanto
                      = PNUD | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo | En la hispana
                      = PNUD | Programa de les Nacions Unides per al Desenvolupament | En la kataluna
                      = UNDP | გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა | En la kartvela
                      = UNDP | জাতিসংঘ উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী | En la bengala
                      = PNUD | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento | En la portugala
                      = ПРООН | Программа развития ООН | En la rusa
                      = UNDP | สำนักงานโครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ | En la taja
                      = UNDP | ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் வளர்ச்சித் திட்டம் | En la tamila
                      = UNDP | 联合国开发计划署 | En ĉinaj lingvoj

                      En la angla

                      Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator

                      La mallongigo UNDRO (Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = OKUNHK | Oficejo de la Kunordiganto de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Helpo kaze de Katastrofo | En Esperanto

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum

                      La mallongigo UNDTA (United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      Unbundled Network Elements

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (

                      La mallongigo UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = ECA | Economic Commission for Africa | En la angla
                      = CEPA | Comisión Económica para África | En la hispana
                      = CEA | Comissão Econômica para África | En la portugala

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (

                      La mallongigo UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = CEPE | Comisión Económica para Europa | En la hispana
                      = ECE | Economic Commission for Europe | En la angla
                      = CEE | Commission Économique pour l'Europe | En la franca
                      = CEE | Comissão Econômica para Europa | En la portugala
                      = CEE-ONU | Commission Économique pour l'Europe de l'Organisation des Nations Unies | En la franca

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Emergency Force

                      La mallongigo UNEF (United Nations Emergency Force) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

                      La mallongigo UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (

                      La mallongigo UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = CMNUCC | Convenio Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático | En la hispana
                      = CCNUCC | Convention-Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques | En la franca
                      = CQNUMC | Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança de Clima | En la portugala
                      = UNFCCC | 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約 | En ĉinaj lingvoj
                      = КИК | Рамочная конвенция ООН об изменении климата | En la rusa
                      = UNFCCC | 気候変動枠組条約 | En la japana
                      = UNFCCC | 기후 변화에 관한 국제 연합 기본 협약 | En la korea

                      En la angla

                      United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

                      La mallongigo UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (

                      La mallongigo UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe (

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Children’s Fund (

                      La mallongigo UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (

                      La mallongigo UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (

                      La mallongigo UNIDIR (United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Industrial Development Organization (

                      La mallongigo UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = OUNID | Organizo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Industria Disvolvado | En Esperanto

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Development Fund for Women

                      La mallongigo UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (

                      La mallongigo UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Institute for Training and Research

                      La mallongigo UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Korean Relief Agency

                      La mallongigo UNKRA (United Nations Korean Relief Agency) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      Universal Network Language

                      En la angla


                      University of Nebraska-Lincoln (

                      En la angla


                      Universal Networking Language

                      En la angla


                      United States National Slavery Museum

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

                      La mallongigo UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace

                      La mallongigo UNOSDP (United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      United Platform for Action

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Programme on Space Applications

                      La mallongigo UNPSA (United Nations Programme on Space Applications) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

                      La mallongigo UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Relief and Works Agency (for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)

                      La mallongigo UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency (for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Space Command

                      La mallongigo UNSC (United Nations Space Command) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      = CSNU | Commandement Spatial des Nations Unies | En la franca

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Security Council

                      La mallongigo UNSC (United Nations Security Council) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      University of New South Wales (

                      En la angla

                      United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

                      La mallongigo UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla

                      United Nations University

                      La mallongigo UNU (United Nations University) inkluzivas la mallongigon UN (United Nations).

                      En la angla


                      University of Balamand

                      En la angla


                      Unique Oligo Design

                      En la angla


                      Unified Office Format

                      En la angla


                      University of London (

                      En la angla


                      Usability Professionals' Association

                      En la angla


                      Universal Products Codes

                      En la angla


                        Unlicensed Personal Communications Services

                        En la angla


                        Universal Patch Format

                        En la angla


                        Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation (

                        En la angla


                        United PanAm Financial Corporation (

                        En la angla


                        University of Plymouth Football Club

                        En la angla


                        Utah Partnerships For Christ (

                        En la angla


                        Unified Power Flow Controller

                        En la angla


                        United Plant Guard Workers of America

                        En la angla


                        Unapproved Parts List

                        En la angla


                        Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulation

                        En la angla


                          Unique Program Number

                          En la angla


                            User Parameter Processor

                            En la angla


                            Uninterruptible Power System

                            En la angla


                            Upright Perigee Stage

                            En la angla

                            Uninterrupted Power Supply

                            La mallongigo UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) inkluzivas la mallongigon PS (Power Supply).

                            En la angla

                            Uninterruptible Power Supply

                            La mallongigo UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) inkluzivas la mallongigon PS (Power Supply).

                            En la angla


                            User Profile Server Function

                            En la angla

                            Universal Postal Union (

                            = UPU | Union Postale Universelle | En la franca
                            = UPU | Universala Poŝt-Unio | En Esperanto

                            En la angla

                            Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel

                            La mallongigo UPWT (Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel) inkluzivas la mallongigon WT (Wind Tunnel).

                            En la angla


                            Unsatisfactory Report

                            En la angla


                            University of Rochester (

                            En la angla


                            Usual, Reasonable, and Customary

                            En la angla


                              Urine Receptacle Assembly

                              En la angla


                              United Radio Amateur Club

                              En la angla


                              User Range Error

                              En la angla


                                Unique Registration Facility

                                En la angla


                                Uniform Resource Identifier

                                En la angla


                                Uniform Resource Locator

                                En la angla


                                Uniform Resource Name

                                En la angla


                                User Segment

                                En la angla

                                  United States of America

                                  = FS | Feriene Steaten | En la frisa
                                  = США | Соединённые Штаты Америки | En la rusa
                                  = ABD | Amerika Birleşik Devletleri | En la turka

                                  En la angla


                                  United Space Alliance (

                                  En la angla


                                  United States Army

                                  En la angla


                                  Universities Space Automation/Robotics Consortium

                                  En la angla


                                  Unified Solutions Algorithm 2-Dimensional/3-Dimensional

                                  En la angla


                                  United States Army Criminal Investigation Command

                                  En la angla


                                  United States of America Deaf Sports Federation

                                  En la angla

                                  United States Air Force (

                                  La mallongigo USAF (United States Air Force) inkluzivas la mallongigon AF (Air Force).

                                  En la angla


                                  United States Animal Health Association (

                                  En la angla


                                  United States Agency for International Development (

                                  En la angla


                                  United States Army Information Systems Command

                                  En la angla

                                  Iru al la paĝo 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130