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Zeitschriften, zeitschriftenartige Reihen
→ Presse@
- Code
Themen und Örter
- AcMPh
Acta Universitatis Caroliae Mathematica et Physica
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
- AcMSn
Acta Mechanica Sinica
- AcMa
Acta Mathematica
- AcMaH
Acta Mathematica Hungarica
- AcMat
Acta Materialia
- AcMeS
Acta Meteorologica Sinica
- AcMec
Acta Mechanica
- AcMet
Acta Metallurgica
- AcNum
Acta Numerica
- AcO
Acta Oecologica
- AcOC
Oceanologica Acta
- AcOSi
Acta Oceanica Sinica
- AcOdS
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
- AcOpS
Acta Optica Sinica
- AcOpt
Optica Acta
- AcOrS
Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica
- AcPP
Acta Physica Polonica
- AcPSl
Acta Physica Slovaca
- AcPSn
Acta Physica Sinica
- AcPhA
Acta Physica Austriaca
- AcPhC
Acta Physica et Chemica
- AcPhH
Acta Physica Hungarica
- AcPhS
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
- AcPhy
Acta Physica
- AcRhe
Rheologica Acta
- AcSpe
Spectrochimica Acta
- AcTC
Theoretica Chimica Acta
- AcTec
Acta Technica
- AcouL
Acoustics Letters
- Acu
- AdA&A
Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics
- AdAeS
Advances in Aeronautical Sciences
- AdApM
Advances in Applied Mathematics
- AdAs
Ad Astra
- AdAtS
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
Advances in Biological and Medical Physics
- AdBeh
Adaptive Behaviour
- AdBio
Advances in Biophysics
- AdCM
Advanced Ceramic Materials
- AdCP
Advances in Cardiovascular Physics
- AdChP
Advances in Chemical Physics
- AdCoL
Advanced Composites Letters
- AdCoM
Advances in Computational Mathematics
Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics
Advances in Earth Oriented Applications and Space Technology
Advances in Earth and Planetary Sciences
- AdExG
Advances in Exploration Geophysics
- AdG
Advances in Geosciences (https://www.advances-in-geosciences.net/)
= ADGEO | Advances in Geosciences | Auf Englisch
Advances in Geophysical Data Processing
Die Abkürzung AdGDP (Advances in Geophysical Data Processing) enthält die Abkürzung DP (Data Processing).
- AdGR
Advances in Geophysical Research
- AdGeS
Advances in Geophysics Supplement
- AdGeo
Advances in Geophysics
Advances in Mechanics and Physics of Surfaces
- AdMat
Advances in Mathematics
- AdNuP
Advances in Nuclear Physics
Advances in Plasma Physics Research
- AdPhG
Advances in Physical Geochemistry
- AdPhy
Advances in Physics
- AdPlP
Advances in Plasma Physics
- AdPoS
Advances in Polymer Science
- AdRS
Advances in Radio Science
Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics
Advances in Solid State Physics
- AdSpR
Advances in Space Research
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- AdTPh
Advanced Texts in Physics
- AdWR
Advances in Water Resources
- AeAm
Aerospace America
- AeCM
Aerospace Composites Materials
- AeCh
Aerospace China
- AeDy
Aerospace Dynamics
- AeEn
Aerospace Engineering
- AeJ
Aeronautical Journal
- AeKV
Aerodinamika Kanalov i Ventiliatorov
- AeMat
Aerospace Materials
- AeMed
Aerospace Medicine
- AeQ
Aeronautical Quarterly
- AeRaG
Aerodinamika Razrezhennykh Gazov
Aeronautical Society India Journal
- AeSc
Collection of Papers on Aerospace Science
- AerMS
L'Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio
- AerRv
Revue Aérospatiale
- AerST
Aerosol Science Technology
- AerTe
Aerojet Technology
- AfZ
Archiv für Zeitgeschichte
- Afz
- AiInt
Air International
- AirCo
Air et Cosmos (www.air-cosmos.com)
- AirSp
Air and Space
- AkAtP
Akademia Athenon Praktika
- AkTek
Akustika i Ul'trazvukovaia Tekhnika
- AkZh
Akusticheskii Zhurnal
- AlFr
Alta Frequenza
- AmE
American Ethnologist
- AmHR
American Historical Review
- AmJC
American Journal of Cardiology
- AmJM
American Journal of Mathematics
- AmJPh
American Journal of Physics
- AmJS
American Journal of Science
American Journal of Science and Arts
- AmMin
American Mineralogist
- AmSci
American Scientist
- AnAp
Annales d'Astrophysique
- AnAth
Annales de l'Observatoire national d'Athènes
- AnBes
Annales de l'Observatoire de Besancon
- AnBio
Analytical Biochemistry
- AnBog
Neue Annalen der Königlichen Sternwarte in Bogenhausen bei München
- AnBor
Annales de l’Observatoire de Bordeaux
- AnBos
Annals of the Bosscha Observatory Lembang
- AnBru
Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles
Annals of Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope
- AnCap
Annals of the Cape Observatory
- AnCoi
Anais do Observatorio Astronomico da Universidade de Coimbra
- AnDea
Annales of the Dearborn Observatory
- AnDud
Annals of the Dudley Observatory
- AnEdi
Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
- AnErg
Ergänzungshefte zu den Astronomischen Nachrichten
- AnG
Annales de Géophysique
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
The Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry (AnGAG) publishes original research papers in global analysis and differential geometry, complex manifolds and related areas from complex analysis and algebraic geometry, as well as on the interactions between these fields and their application to problems of mathematical physics (like general relativity).
Annales du Bureau des Longitudes
- AnGeo
Annales Geophysicae
- AnHar
Annals of Harvard College Observatory
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Section Physique Théorique
Annals of the Israel Physical Society
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
- AnLL
Annals of the Observatory of Lucien Libert
- AnLei
Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden
- AnLow
Annals of the Lowell Observatory
- AnLun
Annals of the Observatory of Lund
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
- AnMN
Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter
- AnMat
Annals of Mathematics
- AnMet
Annalen Meteorologie
- AnMuS
Supplementband zu den Annalen der Münchener Sternwarte
- AnMun
Annalen der Königlichen Sternwarte bei München
- AnNic
Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice
- AnOB
Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique
Annals of the Private Observatory of Lucien Libert
- AnOR
Annals of Operations Research
- AnP
Annalen der Physik
Annales de Physique Biologique et Médicale
- AnPOb
Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, Observations
- AnPar
Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris
- AnPh
Annales de Physique
- AnPhy
Annals of Physics
- AnRE
Annual Review of Energy
Annals of Research on Engineering Education
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
Annual Review of Materials Science
- AnRio
Annales de l’Observatoire Impérial de Rio de Janeiro
Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution
- AnSci
Annals of Science
- AnShO
Shanghai Observatory Annals
- AnStr
Annales de l'Observatoire de Strasbourg
- AnTec
Annales Tectonicae
- AnTel
Annales des Télécommunications
- AnTok
Annals of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory
- AnTou
Annales de l'Observatoire Astronomique et Metéorologique de Toulouse
- AnWie
Annalen der Universitäts-Sternwarte Wien
- Ana
The Analyst
- AnaCh
Analytical Chemistry
- AnaIn
Analytical Instrumentation
- Ap&SS
Astrophysics and Space Science
- ApAI
Applied Artificial Intelligence
- ApAc
Applied Acoustics
- ApCM
Applied Composite Materials
- ApEn
Applied Energy
- ApEnM
Applied Environmental Microbiology
- ApInv
Astrophysical Investigations
- ApJ
Astrophysical Journal
- ApJS
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
- ApL
Astrophysical Letters
- ApL&C
Astrophysical Letters Communications
- ApMF
Applied Mathematical Finance
- ApMRv
Applied Mechanics Reviews
- ApMT
Applied Microgravity Technology
- ApMa
Applications of Mathematics
- ApMaC
Applied Mathematics Computation
- ApMaL
Applied Mathematics Letters
- ApMaM
Applied Mathematics Mechanics English Edition
- ApMaO
Applied Mathematics Optimization
- ApMat
Applied Mathematics
- ApMic
Applied Microbiology
- ApNM
Applied Numerical Mathematics
- ApNr
Astrophysica Norvegica
- ApOpt
Applied Optics
- ApPhL
Applied Physics Letters
- ApPhy
Applied Physics
- ApSRv
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews
- ApSS
Applied Surface Science
Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement
- ApScR
Applied Scientific Research
- ApSpe
Applied Spectroscopy
- ApSup
Applied Superconductivity
- AppAn
Applicable Analysis
- ArA
Arkiv för Astronomi
- ArAco
Archives Acoustics