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Thèmes et lieux
- TP
T’oung Pao
- TP
Transaction Processing
L’abréviation TP (Transaction Processing) est incluse dans l’abréviation OLTP (On Line Transaction Processing).
- TP
Test Purpose
L’abréviation TP (Test Purpose) est incluse dans l’abréviation TSS&TP (Test Suite Structure and Test Purpose).
- TP
Temps de Prothrombine
= TQ | Temps de Quick | En français
- TP
Test Point
- TP
Test Port
- TP
Test Procedure
L’abréviation TP (Test Procedure) est incluse dans les abréviations AFTP (Air Force Test Procedure), ATP (Acceptance Test Procedure), FTP (Flight Test Procedure), GATP (Ground Acceptance Test Procedure), GATP (Ground Article Test Procedure), GSTP (Ground System Test Procedure), ITP (Informal Test Procedure), OTP (Operational Test Procedure), QTP (Qualification Test Procedure), STP (Software Test Procedure), TPDS (Test Procedures Development System), TPUN (Test Procedure Update Notice) et DTP (Detailed Test Procedure).
- TP
Time to Perigee
- TP
Training Plan
- TP
Transition Period
- TP
- TP
Travaux Pratiques
- TP
Tireur de Précision
- TP
Test Plan
L’abréviation TP (Test Plan) est incluse dans les abréviations ETP (Environmental Test Plan), ETP (Equipment Test Plan), GTP (General Test Plan), ITP (Informal Test Plan), ITP (Integrated Test Plan), LBTB (Launch Base Test Plan), LBTPP (Launch Base Test Plan/Procedure), MTP (Master Test Plan), MTP (Mission Test Plan), OSTP (Orbiting System Test Plan), QTP (Qualification Test Plan), SITP (System Integration Test Plan), SSITP (Shuttle System Integrated Test Plan), STP (Software Test Plan), TPCN (Test Plan Change Notice), VTP (Vehicle Test Plan), VTP (Verification Test Plan), VTPS (Vibroacoustic Test Plan Summary), DTP (Detailed Test Plan), DTP (Development Test Plan) et OTP (Outline Test Plan).
- TP
Taux de Prothrombine