Que signifie GS ?
- Code
Thèmes et lieux
- GS
Gas Servicer
- GS
Generalized System
- GS
Glide Slope
L’abréviation GS (Glide Slope) est incluse dans les abréviations FSGS (Flare/Shallow Glide Slope) et GSI (Glide Slope Indicator).
- GS
Ground Speed
- GS
Ground Station
L’abréviation GS (Ground Station) est incluse dans les abréviations GSLS (Ground Station Link Survivability), GSVOO (Ground Station Visibility of Orbiting Objects), MGS (Mobile Ground Station), MSBLSGS (Microwave Scan-Beam Landing System Ground Station) et TGS (Telemetry Ground Station).
- GS
Ground System
L’abréviation GS (Ground System) est incluse dans les abréviations GSIG (Ground Systems Integration Group), GSO (Ground Systems Operations), GSPO (Ground Systems Project Office), GST (Ground System Test), GSTP (Ground System Test Procedure), MGS (Mobile Ground System), NGS (NUDET Ground System), SOGS (Science Operations Ground System), SSFGSS (Space Shuttle Flight and Ground System Specification) et TGS (Telemetry Ground System).
- GS
Gospodarska Stranka (www.gospodarska-stranka.com)
- GS
Gedeputeerde Staten
- GS
Generale Staf