Mehrsprachiges Abkürzungswörterbuch

Was bedeutet AF?




Themen und Örter

Air Force (

Die Abkürzung AF (Air Force) ist in den Abkürzungen AFHF (Air Force Historical Foundation), USAF (United States Air Force), VAFB (Vandenberg Air Force Base), CCAFS (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station), EAFB (Edwards Air Force Base), AFGWC (Air Force Global Weather Center), AFP (Air Force Program), AFPRO (Air Force Plan Representative Office), AMOS (Air Force Maui Optical System), AFAL (Air Force Astronautics Laboratory), AFAL (Air Force Avionics Laboratory), AFALD (Air Force Acquisition Logistics Division), AFAPL (Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory), AFATL (Air Force Armaments Test Laboratory), AFB (Air Force Base), AFBMD (Air Force Ballistic Missile Division), AFCSC (Air Force Cryptologic Support Center), AFESD (Air Force Electronic Systems Division), AFETR (Air Force Eastern Test Range), AFETRM (Air Force Eastern Test Range Manual), AFEV (Air Force Experiment Vehicle), AFFDL (Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory), AFFTC (Air Force Flight Test Center), AFGL (Air Force Geophysics Laboratory), AFLC (Air Force Logistics Command), AFM (Air Force Manual), AFMDC (Air Force Missile Development Center), AFML (Air Force Materials Laboratory), AFMTC (Air Force Missile Test Center), AFOSH (Air Force Occupational Safety and Health), AFOTEC (Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center), AFP (Air Force Plant), AFPC (Air Force Program Control), AFPM (Air Force Program Manager), AFPR (Air Force Plant Representative), AFR (Air Force Regulation), AFRPL (Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory), AFS (Air Force Standard), AFS (Air Force Station), AFSA (Air Force Study and Analysis), AFSAT (Air Force Satellite), AFSATCOM (Air Force Satellite Communication(s)), AFSC (Air Force Space Command), AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code), AFSC (Air Force Systems Command), AFSCF (Air Force Satellite Control Facility), AFSCF (Air Force Space Command Facility), AFSCF (Air Force Systems Command Facility), AFSCN (Air Force Satellite Control Network), AFSCN (Air Force Space Command Network), AFSCS (Air Force Satellite Communications System), AFSD (Air Force Space Division), AFSIE (Air Force Standard Items and Equipment), AFSLV (Air Force Space Launch Vehicle), AFSSD (Air Force Space Systems Division), AFSTC (Air Force Satellite Test Center), AFSTC (Air Force Space Technology Center), AFSTC (Air Force Space Technology Command), AFSWC (Air Force Special Weapons Center), AFTEC (Air Force Test and Evaluation Center), AFTOC (Air Force Tactical Operations Center), AFTP (Air Force Test Procedure), AFWAL (Air Force Weapons Analysis Laboratory), AFWAL (Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory), AFWL (Air Force Weapons Laboratory), AFWPAL (Air Force Wright-Patterson Aeropropulsion Laboratory), AFWSG (Air Force Weapons System Group), AFWTR (Air Force Western Test Range), AMOS (Air Force Maui Optical Site), ANC (Air Force-Navy-Civil), AND (Air Force-Navy (Aeronautical) Design), CAFB (Chanute Air Force Base), AFMa (Air Force Magazine), FAFS (Falcon Air Force Station), AF/IN (Air Force/Intelligence), HAFB (Hill Air Force Base), HAFB (Holloman Air Force Base), JANNAF (Joint Army, Navy, NASA, Air Force), NVAFB (North Vandenberg Air Force Base), PAFB (Patrick Air Force Base), AFED (Air Force Enterprise Defense), SAFSP (Secretary of the Air Force Special Projects), SD/AFSC (Space Division/Air Force Systems Command), AFA (Air Force Association), SVAFB (South Vandenberg Air Force Base), WPAFB (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base), EAFB (Eglin Air Force Base), EAFB (Ellington Air Force Base), AAFES (Army Air Force Exchange Service), DAF (Department of the Air Force), RAF (Royal Air Force) und AFIT (Air Force Institute of Technology) enthalten.

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