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Thèmes et lieux
- SC
L’abréviation SC (Subcommittee) est incluse dans l’abréviation SCOSA (Subcommittee on Space Technology and Applications).
- SC
Science Center
- SC
Superimposed Current
- SC
Support Contractor
L’abréviation SC (Support Contractor) est incluse dans les abréviations ISC (Industrial Support Contractor), LSSC (Launch Site Support Contractor), PSC (Payload Support Contractor), PSC (Program Support Contractor) et VSC (Vehicle Support Contractor).
- SC
Surface Command
- SC
System Characterization
- SC
System Concept
L’abréviation SC (System Concept) est incluse dans les abréviations SCD (System Concept Definition), SCIT (System Concept and Integrated Technology) et EDSC (Early Deployment System Concept).
- SC
Single Contact
- SC
Software Change
L’abréviation SC (Software Change) est incluse dans les abréviations ISCCB (Internal Software Change Control Board), OSCR (Orbiter Software Change Request), SCCB (Software Change Control Board), SCR (Software Change Request) et SSCR (Support Software Change Request).
- SC
- SC
Statement of Capability
- SC
Statement of Compatibility
- SC
Sables de Cuise