Que signifie CC ?
- Code
Thèmes et lieux
- CC
- CC
Contract Completion
- CC
Control Center
L’abréviation CC (Control Center) est incluse dans les abréviations APCC (Animal Poison Control Center), SOCC (Satellite Operations Control Center), POCC (Payload Operations Control Center), MSOCC (Multisatellite Operations Control Center), NOCC (Network Operations Control Center), ALCC (Airborne Launch Control Center), ARTCC (Air Route Traffic Control Center), CCC (Communication Control Center), CCC (Complex Control Center), CCR (Control Center Rack), CICC (Cargo Integration Control Center), CICCR (Configuration Information Control Center Requirement), DCC (Document Control Center), AAPCC (American Association of Poison Control Centers), GCC (Ground Control Center), GMCC (Ground Mobile Control Center), GMLCC (Ground Mobile Launch Control Center), IMCC (Integrated Mission Control Center), LCC (Launch Control Center), LOGCENT (Logistics Control Center), MCC (Mission Control Center), MCCS (Mission Control Center Simulation), MCCS (Mission Control Center System), MOCC (Mission Operations Control Center), NCC (Navstar Control Center), NCC (Network Control Center), NCC (NTB Control Center), OCC (Operations Control Center), PACC (Problem Action Control Center), PCC (Pad Control Center), PCC (Production Control Center), PLCC (Payload Launch Control Center), POCC (Payload Operations Control Center), PTCC (Propulsion Test Control Center), RADCC (Radiation Control Center), RATCC (Radar Air Traffic Control Center), RCC (Range Control Center), RCC (Recovery Control Center), RCC (Regional Control Center), ROCC (Range Operational Control Center), ROCC (Region Operational Control Center), SCC (Safety Control Center), SCC (Simulation Control Center), SCC (System Control Center), SCCC (Spacecraft Command and Control Center), SMCC (Shuttle Mission Control Center), SPCC (STS Processing Control Center), SSCC (Space Station Control Center), SSCC (Support Services Control Center), TACC (Tactical Air Control Center), TCC (Test Control Center), TCC (Transportation Control Center), VPLCC (Vehicle Propellant Loading Control Center), WCC (Work Control Center), WSCC (Work Station Control Center), EMCC (Emergency Mission Control Center), EDCC (Engineering Drawing Control Center), NAPCC (National Animal Poison Control Center), SICC (Service Item Control Center) et POCC (Platform Operations Control Center).
- CC
Corner Cube
- CC
Cost Center
- CC
Crew Certified
- CC
Crew Compartment
L’abréviation CC (Crew Compartment) est incluse dans les abréviations ACC (Auxiliary Crew Compartment), CCCD (Crew Compartment Configuration Drawing), CCHS (Crew Compartment Heat Shield), CCSR (Crew Compartment Stowage Review) et CCU (Crew Compartment Umbilical).
- CC
Channel Controller
- CC
Closing Coil
- CC
Color Code
- CC
Commercial Control
- CC
Communications Control
- CC
Compatibility Change
- CC
Computer Center
- CC
Contamination Control
- CC
Confederación de Cuadros
- CC
Curriculum Center
- CC
Corps Consulaire