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Kio signifas SR?
- Kodo
Temoj kaj lokoj
- SR
Special Report
- SR
Safety Review
La mallongigo SR (Safety Review) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj ISR (Integrated Safety Review), PSR (Payload Safety Review), PSR (Production Safety Review), PSR (Project Safety Review), SRB (Safety Review Board), SRT (Safety Review Team), SSR (System Safety Review), SSRP (System Safety Review Panel) kaj SSSSR (Space Shuttle System Safety Review).
- SR
Status Review
La mallongigo SR (Status Review) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj FDSR (Final Design Status Review), IDSR (Initial Design Status Review), PSR (Program Status Review), SASR (Shuttle Avionics Status Review), SSR (System Status Review), TSR (Technical Status Review) kaj CFSR (Contract Fund Status Review).
- SR
Support Request
La mallongigo SR (Support Request) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj ESR (Engineering Support Request), FSR (Flight Support Request), IDSR (Interdivisional Support Request), LSR (Launch Support Request), MSR (Measurements Support Request) kaj SSR (Shop Support Request).
- SR
Support Room
- SR
Saturable Reactor
- SR
Scan Ratio
- SR
Shift Register
- SR
Shop Release
- SR
Standard Repair
La mallongigo SR (Standard Repair) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigo SRP (Standard Repair Procedure).
- SR
Statement of Requirements
- SR
Status Register
- SR
Status Report
La mallongigo SR (Status Report) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj CDSR (Contract Data Status Report), CFSR (Contract Fund Status Report), CSR (Certification Status Report), CSR (Check Status Report), CSR (Contract Status Report), ESR (Equipment Status Report), OISR (Open Item Status Report), PASR (Problem Analysis Status Report), PSR (Performance Status Report), PSR (Problem Status Report), SRSR (Schedule and Resources Status Report) kaj TSR (Test Status Report).
- SR
Sveriges Radio (www.sr.se)
- SR
Section Recherche
- SR
Secours Routier
La mallongigo SR (Secours Routier) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj FPTSR (Fourgon Pompe-Tonne Secours Routier), VSR (Véhicule de Secours Routier), VSRM (Vehicule de Secours Routier Moyen) kaj VSRHR (Véhicule de Secours Routier Hors-Route).
- SR
Syndrome de Reperfusion