Kio signifas SD?
- Kodo
Temoj kaj lokoj
- SD
Secure Digital
- SD
Sisters of Destitute
- SD
Signal Digitizer
- SD
Solar Dynamic
- SD
Space Division
- SD
Specification Document
La mallongigo SD (Specification Document) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj TCRSD (Test and Checkout Requirements Specification Documentation) kaj TRSD (Test Requirements (and) Specification Document).
- SD
Situation Dangereuse
- SD
Services Déconcentrés
- SD
Software Development
La mallongigo SD (Software Development) estas inkluzivita en la mallongigoj MDSD (Model Driven Software Development), GSDL (Ground Software Development Laboratory), SDK (Software Development Kit), SDBC (Software Development Baseline Control), SDC (Software Development Computer), SDE (Software Development Environment), SDF (Software Development Facility), SDF (Software Development File), SDH (Software Development Handbook), SDIF (Software Development and Integration Facility), SDL (Software Development Laboratory), SDL (Software Development Library), SDN (Software Development Note), SDP (Software Development Plan), SDVF (Software Development and Verification Facility), AOSD (Aspect-Oriented Software Development) kaj SDQA (Software Development Quality Assurance).