What does TV mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- TV
Target Vehicle
- TV
The abbreviation TV (Television) is included in abbreviations such as CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television), HDTV (High-Definition Television), OTV (Operational Television), RTTV (Real-Time Television), STVS (Secure Television System), ARMTV (Public Television & Radio Company of Armenia), JRTV (Jordan Radio and Television Corporation), CRTV (Cameroon Radio and Television), CATV (Cable Television) and CATV (Community Antenna Television).
- TV
Thermal Vacuum
The abbreviation TV (Thermal Vacuum) is included in abbreviations such as TVC (Thermal Vacuum Chamber), TVT (Thermal Vacuum Test) and TVTA (Thermal Vacuum Test Article).
- TV
Thrust Vector
The abbreviation TV (Thrust Vector) is included in abbreviations such as ATVC (Ascent Thrust Vector Control), ATVC (Automatic Thrust Vector Control), ATVCD (Ascent Thrust Vector Control Driver), ATVCS (Automatic Thrust Vector Control System), METVC (Main Engine Thrust Vector Control), MTVC (Manual Thrust Vector Control), TVA (Thrust Vector Alignment), TVC (Thrust Vector Control), TVCD (Thrust Vector Control Driver), TVCS (Thrust Vector Control System) and TVSA (Thrust Vector Servoamplifier).
- TV
Transport(er) Vehicle