What does TS mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- TS
Tuberous Sclerosis
= ET | Esclerosis Tuberosa | In Spanish
= TS | Tuberøs Sklerose | In Norwegian - TS
Tuberøs Sklerose
= ET (see above)
- TS
Technical Specification
The abbreviation TS (Technical Specification) is included in the abbreviation GTS (GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) Technical Specification).
- TS
Target System
- TS
Tracking Subsystem
- TS
Technical Support
The abbreviation TS (Technical Support) is included in abbreviations such as TSC (Technical Support Center), TSMT (Technical Support Management Team) and CETS (Contractor Engineering Technical Support).
- TS
Tensile Strength
- TS
Test Site
The abbreviation TS (Test Site) is included in abbreviations such as ERETS (Edwards Rocket Engine Test Site), SATS (Station Accommodation Test Site) and VTS (Vertical Test Site).
- TS
Timing System
The abbreviation TS (Timing System) is included in the abbreviation MTS (Master Timing System).
- TS
Temporary Services
- TS
Tentative de Suicide
- TS
Tracking Station
The abbreviation TS (Tracking Station) is included in abbreviations such as ARTS (Advanced Remote Tracking Station), ATS (Atlantic Tracking Station), HTS (Hawaii Tracking Station), MTS (Mobile Tracking Station), RTS (Range Tracking Station), RTS (Remote Tracking Station) and VTS (Vandenberg Tracking Station).