Multilingual dictionary of abbreviations

What does TPIR mean?




Themes and places

Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda (

= ICTR | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | In English
= TPIR | Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda | In French
= MTKR | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny dla Rwandy | In Polish
= MTTR | Medzinárodný Trestný Tribunál pre Rwandu | In Slovak
= TPIR | Tribunal Penal Internacional per a Ruanda | In Catalan
= TPIR | Tribunal Penal Internacional para o Ruanda | In Portuguese
= MTTR | Mezinárodní Trestní Tribunál pro Rwandu | In Czech
= RBCT | Ruanda Beynəlxalq Cinayət Tribunalı | In Azerbaijani
= МТР | Международный трибунал по Руанде | In Russian
= МТР | Міжнародний трибунал щодо Руанди | In Ukrainian

In Spanish

Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (

= ICTR, MTKR, MTTR, RBCT, МТР (see above)

In French

Tribunal Penal Internacional per a Ruanda (

= ICTR, MTKR, MTTR, RBCT, МТР (see above)

In Catalan

Tribunal Penal Internacional para o Ruanda (

= ICTR, MTKR, MTTR, RBCT, МТР (see above)

In Portuguese