What does TC mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- TC
Technical Committee
The abbreviation TC (Technical Committee) is included in the abbreviation JTC (Joint Technical Committee).
- TC
- TC
Traceability Code
- TC
Tracking Camera
- TC
Transfer Control
- TC
Transition Control
- TC
Translation Control
- TC
Test Change
The abbreviation TC (Test Change) is included in abbreviations such as CTCP (Configuration Test Change Period), RFTCP (Request For Test Change Proposal), TCN (Test Change Notice) and TCRB (Test Change Review Board).
- TC
Test Condition
- TC
Test Conductor
The abbreviation TC (Test Conductor) is included in abbreviations such as ATC (Assistant Test Conductor), CTC (Chief Test Conductor), FTC (Flight Test Conductor), GTC (Ground Test Conductor), LVTC (Launch Vehicle Test Conductor), OTC (Orbiter Test Conductor), SC/TC (Spacecraft Test Conductor), SSTC (Space Shuttle Test Conductor), STC (Shuttle Test Conductor), STC (Spacecraft Test Conductor) and TCC (Test Conductor’s Console).
- TC
Thermal Control
The abbreviation TC (Thermal Control) is included in abbreviations such as PTC (Passive Thermal Control), ATCS (Active Thermal Control System), ABTCU (Active Baseplate Thermal Control Unit), ATC (Active Thermal Control), CTCS (Central Thermal Control System), IITCS (Igloo Internal Thermal Control Section), IPTCS (Igloo Passive Thermal Control Section), ITC (Igloo Thermal Control), PTCS (Passive Thermal Control System), PVTCS (Photovoltaic Thermal Control System), TCC (Thermal Control Coating), TCS (Thermal Control System), TCSSS (Thermal Control Subsystem Segment), TTC (Tunnel Thermal Control) and WBTCH (Water Boiler Thermal Control Hydraulics).
- TC
- TC
Thrust Chamber
The abbreviation TC (Thrust Chamber) is included in abbreviations such as TCA (Thrust Chamber Assembly), TCFP (Thrust Chamber Fuel Purge), TCP (Thrust Chamber Pressure) and TCV (Thrust Chamber Valve).
- TC
Transformateur de Courant
- TC
Target Costing
- TC
Trusted Computing
- TC
Terre Cuite
The abbreviation TC (Terre Cuite) is included in the abbreviation TCA (Terre Cuite Architecturale).
- TC
Trinity Washington University