What does SS mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- SS
Samaritan Sisters
- SS
Second Structure
- SS
Space Station
The abbreviation SS (Space Station) is included in abbreviations such as SSF (Space Station Freedom), DSS (Deep Space Station), DSSC (Deep Space Station Complex), EOSS (Earth Orbital Space Station), ESS (Early Space Station), ISS (International Space Station), GSS (Geosynchronous Space Station), LOSS (Lunar Orbital Space Station), MESSOC (Model Evaluation of Space Station Operations Cost), MOSS (Manned Orbital Space Station), OSS (Orbiting Space Station), OSSIU (Orbiter-Space Station Interface Unit), SSCB (Space Station Control Board), SSCC (Space Station Control Center), SSCF (Space Station Control Facility), SSCM (Space Station Cost Model), SSDAC (Space Station Data Acquisition and Control), SSDS (Space Station Data System), SSDSAS (Space Station Data System Architecture Study), SSEOS (Space Station External Operations Simulator), SSFN (Space Station Flight Network), SSFP (Space Station Freedom Program), SSGDAC (Space Station Guidance, Dynamics, And Control), SSIS (Space Station Information System), SSMTF (Space Station Man-Systems Training Facility), SSMTF (Space Station Mockup and Trainer Facility), SSODB (Space Station Operational Data Book), SSP (Space Station Program), SSPE (Space Station Program Element), SSPF (Space Station Processing Facility), SSPO (Space Station Projects Office), SSPP (Space Station Program Participant), SSRIMp (Space Station Resource Impact Model), SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System), SSROP (Space Station Resource Optimization Program), SSSC (Space Station Support Center), SSST (Space Station System Trainer), SSTF (Space Station Training Facility), SSWP (Space Station Work Package) and CSS (Chinese Space Station).
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Space Segment
The abbreviation SS (Space Segment) is included in the abbreviation SSI (Space Segment Integration).
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Space Sphere
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Stainless Steel
- SS
Station Set
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Sun Sensor
The abbreviation SS (Sun Sensor) is included in abbreviations such as FPSS (Fine-Pointing Sun Sensor) and SSS (Spinning Sun Sensor).
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Support Subsystem
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System Software
The abbreviation SS (System Software) is included in abbreviations such as BASS (Backup Avionics System Software), CPSS (Critical Phase System Software), FSSR (Flight System Software Request), FSSR (Flight System Software Requirements), SSIP (System Software Interface Processing), SSL (System Software Loader), SSRN (System Software Reference Number) and LSS (LightScribe System Software).
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Segment Specification
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System Specification
The abbreviation SS (System Specification) is included in abbreviations such as SSFGSS (Space Shuttle Flight and Ground System Specification), SSL (System Specification Language) and SSSS (Space Shuttle System Specification).
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System Summary
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Shuttle System
The abbreviation SS (Shuttle System) is included in abbreviations such as SSC (Shuttle System Contractor), SSCL (Shuttle System Commonality List), SSHA (Shuttle System Hazard Analysis), SSIBD (Shuttle System Interface Block Diagram), SSITP (Shuttle System Integrated Test Plan), SSPD (Shuttle System Payload Data), SSPD (Shuttle System Payload Definition), SSPD (Shuttle System Payload Description), SSSS (Space Shuttle System Specification), SSSSR (Space Shuttle System Safety Review) and SST (Shuttle System Test).
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Space Shuttle
The abbreviation SS (Space Shuttle) is included in abbreviations such as SSME (Space Shuttle Main Engine), SSPO (Space Shuttle Program Office), RSSPO (Resident Space Shuttle Project Office), SSAT (Space Shuttle Access Tower), SSCHS (Space Shuttle Cargo Handling System), SSCSP (Space Shuttle Crew Safety Panel), SSE (Space Shuttle Engine), SSEOS (Space Shuttle Engineering and Operations Support), SSFCS (Space Shuttle Flight Control System), SSFGSS (Space Shuttle Flight and Ground System Specification), SSFS (Space Shuttle Functional Simulation), SSMB (Space Shuttle Maintenance Baseline), SSMC (Space Shuttle Mission Control), SSMEC (Space Shuttle Main Engine Controller), SSMECA (Space Shuttle Main Engine Controller Assembly), SSO (Space Shuttle Orbiter), SSP (Space Shuttle Program), SSPDA (Space Shuttle Payload Data Activity), SSPDS (Space Shuttle Payload Data Study), SSPF (Space Shuttle Programming Facility), SSPFA (Space Shuttle Program Flight Assignment), SSPGSE (Space Shuttle Program Ground Support Equipment), SSPII (Space Shuttle Program Implementing Instruction), SSPM (Space Shuttle Program Manager), SSPPSG (Space Shuttle Payload Planning Steering Group), SSPRO (Space Shuttle Program Resident Office), SSPS (Space Shuttle Program Schedule), SSS (Space Shuttle Segment), SSSS (Space Shuttle System Specification), SSSSR (Space Shuttle System Safety Review), SSTC (Space Shuttle Test Conductor), SSTCLS (Space Shuttle Test, Checkout, and Launch Support) and SSV (Space Shuttle Vehicle).
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Sécurité Sociale
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Sables Supérieurs
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Support System
The abbreviation SS (Support System) is included in abbreviations such as DSS (Decision Support System), CELSS (Controlled Ecological Life Support System), ALSS (Advanced Life Support System), ALSS (Airlock Support System), CASS (CITE Augmentation Support System), CASS (Consolidated Automated Support System), ESS (Environmental Support System), EVLSS (Extravehicular Life Support System), FSS (Flight Support System), GESS (Goddard Experiment Support System), GOSS (Ground Operational Support System), GSS (Ground Support System), GSSI (Ground Support System Integration), GSSI&C (Ground Support Systems Installation and Checkout), GSSI&C (Group Support Systems Integration and Checkout), IDSS (Integrated Design Support System), IDSS (Integrated Diagnostic Support System), IISS (Integrated Information Support System), LSS (Life Support System), MDSS (Mission Data Support System), OSSAD (Office Support Systems Analysis and Design), MSS (Mechanical Support System), MSS (Meeting Support System), BOSS (Business Operations Support System), OOSS (On-Orbit Support System), GDSS (Group Decision Support System), PLSS (Portable Life Support System), PSS (Propulsion Support System), PSS (Payload Support System), SSS (Sensor Support System), SSS (Sortie Support System), TSS (Terminal Support System), TSS (Test Support System), DSS (Data Support System) and ECLSS (Environmental Control and Life Support System).