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Themes and places
- SP
Silver Proteinate
- SP
Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut
- SP
Solidarité et Progrès
- SP
Stored Procedure
- SP
Safety Plan
The abbreviation SP (Safety Plan) is included in abbreviations such as FSP (Flight Safety Plan) and GSP (Ground Safety Plan).
- SP
Static Pressure
- SP
Surveillance Payload
- SP
Shoulder Pitch
- SP
Signal Processor
The abbreviation SP (Signal Processor) is included in abbreviations such as AOSP (Advanced Onboard Signal Processor), DCSP (Digital Control Signal Processor), FMSP (Frequency Modulation Signal Processor), FPSP (Focal Plane Signal Processor), GSPR (Guidance Signal Processor-Repeater), KuSP (Ku-band Signal Processor), DSP (Digital Signal Processor), MFSP (Macrofunction Signal Processor), NSP (Network Signal Processor), PLSP (Payload Signal Processor), PSP (Payload Signal Processor), PSP (Programmable Signal Processor), SPA (Signal Processor Assembly), TDSP (Time-Dependent Signal Processor) and EMSP (Enhanced Modular Signal Processor).
- SP
Single Pole
- SP
Solar Physics
- SP
Solid Propellant
- SP
Sortie Payload
- SP
Stable Platform
- SP
Socialistische Partij (www.sp.nl)