What does SA mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- SA
Simpla Abonanto
- SA
Société Anonyme
The abbreviation SA (Société Anonyme) is included in abbreviations such as SABENA (Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne), SACI (Société Anonyme de Crédit Immobilier), SAPO (Société Anonyme à Participation Ouvrière), SABCA (Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques), SAT (Société Anonyme des Télécommunications) and SAFAF (Société Anonyme Française des Automobiles Fiat).
= NV | Naamloze Vennootschap | In Dutch
= SA | Sociedade Anónima | In Portuguese
= SA | Sociedad Anónima | In Spanish
= ΑΕ | Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία | In Greek
= AŞ | Anonim Şirket | In Turkish - SA
Semen Analysis
- SA
Supplemental Agreement
- SA
Support Area
The abbreviation SA (Support Area) is included in abbreviations such as CSA (Contractor Support Area), ESA (Engineering Support Area), OSA (Operational Support Area) and SMSA (Strategic Missile Support Area).
- SA
Swing Arm
- SA
Selective Availability
- SA
Shaft Angle
- SA
Shop Aid
- SA
Signature Analysis
- SA
Single Access
- SA
Site Activation
- SA
Solar Array
- SA
Spectrum Analyzer
- SA
Spółka Akcyjna
= AB | Akcinė bendrovė | In Lithuanian
= AK | Akcia Kompanio | In Esperanto
= AT | Акцыянэрнае таварыства | In Bulgarian
= AS | Aktsiaselts | In Estonian
= AG | Aktiengesellschaft | In German
= DD | Dioničko Društvo | In Croatian
= AS | Aksjeselskap | In Norwegian
= SpA | Società per Azioni | In Italian
= AS | Aktieselskab | In Danish
= SA | Societăţi pe Acţiuni | In Romanian
= AB | Aktiebolag | In Swedish
= AD | Akcionarsko Društvo | In Serbian
= DD | Delniška Družba | In Slovenian
= AS | Akciová Spoločnosť | In Slovak
= AS | Akciová Společnost | In Czech
= AT | Акціонерне товариство | In Ukrainian - SA
Societăţi pe Acţiuni
= AB, AK, AT, AS, AG, DD, SpA, AD (see above)
- SA
Sociedade Anónima
= NV, ΑΕ, AŞ (see above)
- SA
Sociedad Anónima
= NV, ΑΕ, AŞ (see above)
- SA
- SA
Space Accounting
- SA
Student Association
- SA
Syndrome d'Asperger
- SA
Sables d’Auteuil