What does RA mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- RA
Recognition Arrangement
The abbreviation RA (Recognition Arrangement) is included in the abbreviation MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement).
- RA
Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale
- RA
Rheumatoide Arthritis
- RA
Religious of Assumption
- RA
Radar Altimeter
The abbreviation RA (Radar Altimeter) is included in abbreviations such as RADVS (Radar Altimeter and Doppler Velocity Sensor) and RAI (Radar Altimeter Indicator).
- RA
Range Area
- RA
Right Aft
- RA
Right Ascension
- RA
Ricerche Astronomiche
- RA
Regular Army
- RA
Renseignement Annexe
- RA
Réflexion Analytique
- RA
Rubrique d'Activité
- RA
Resettlement Administration
- RA
Régiment d’Artillerie
- RA
Recensement Agricole