What does PC mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- PC
Programming Committee
- PC
- PC
Pachyonychia Congenita
Pachyonychia congenita (PC) is a rare genodermatosis predominantly featuring painful palmoplantar keratoderma, thickened nails, cysts and whitish oral mucosa.
- PC
Personal Computer
The abbreviation PC (Personal Computer) is included in abbreviations such as PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) and PC-DOS (Personal Computer Disk Operating System).
= PK | Persoanlike kompjûter | In Frisian
= PK | Persona Komputilo | In Esperanto
= PC | Personlig computer | In Danish
= PK | Persoanlike Kompjûte | In Finnish
= ДК | Дербес Компьютер | In Kazakh
= ПК | Персоналдык Компьютер | In Kirghiz
= AK | Asmeninis Kompiuteris | In Lithuanian
= ЛС | Личен Сметач | In Macedonian
= PC | Personal Computer | In Dutch
= ПК | Персональний Комп’ютер | In Ukrainian
= ПК | Персанальны камп’ютар | In Belarusian
= ԱՀ | Անհատական համակարգիչ | In Armenian
= ПК | Персональный Компьютер | In Russian
= ПЭВМ | персональная Электронно-Вычислительная Машина | In Russian
= PC | Personal Computer | In Scots
= PC | Personal Computer | In Saterland Frisian - PC
Printed Circuit
- PC
Petite Couronne
- PC
Poste de Commandement
The abbreviation PC (Poste de Commandement) is included in abbreviations such as PCAM (Poste de Commandement pour Appels Multiples) and PCM (Poste de Commandement Mobile).
- PC
Piste Cyclable
- PC
Personlig computer
= PK, ДК, ПК, AK, ЛС, ԱՀ, ПЭВМ (see above)
- PC
Personal Computer
= PK, ДК, ПК, AK, ЛС, ԱՀ, ПЭВМ (see above)
- PC
Personal Computer
= PK, ДК, ПК, AK, ЛС, ԱՀ, ПЭВМ (see above)
- PC
Personal Computer
= PK, ДК, ПК, AK, ЛС, ԱՀ, ПЭВМ (see above)
- PC
Permis de Construire
- PC
Program Counter