What does MOP mean?
- Code
Themes and places
Made-to-Order Production
Measure Of Performance
Mission Operations Plan
The abbreviation MOP (Mission Operations Plan) includes the abbreviation MO (Mission Operations).
Mission Operations Processor
The abbreviation MOP (Mission Operations Processor) includes the abbreviation MO (Mission Operations).
Mission Orientation Professionnelle
The abbreviation MOP (Mission Orientation Professionnelle) includes the abbreviation OP (Orientation Professionnelle).
Mezinárodní Organizace Práce
= ILO | International Labour Organization | In English
= ILO | Internacia Labor-Organizaĵo | In Esperanto
= OIT | Organisation Internationale du Travail | In French
= IOL | Internacia Organizaĵo de Laboro | In Esperanto
= OIT | Organització Internacional del Treball | In Catalan
= IAO | Internationale Arbeitsorganisation | In German
= OIT | Organización Internacional del Trabajo | In Spanish
= OIL | Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro | In Italian
= IAO | Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie | In Dutch
= OIT | Organizacion Internacionala del Trabalh | In Occitan
= OIT | Organização Internacional do Trabalho | In Portuguese
= OIT | Organización Internacional del Trabayu | In Asturian
= BƏT | Beynəlxalq Əmək Təşkilatı | In Azerbaijani
= МАП | Міжнародная арганізацыя працы | In Belarusian
= МОТ | Международна организация на труда | In Bulgarian
= ΔΟΕ | Διεθνής Οργάνωση Εργασίας | In Greek