What does IP mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- IP
Internet Protocol
The abbreviation IP (Internet Protocol) is included in abbreviations such as TIPHON (Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks), TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), MBS/IP (Multi-purpose Business Security over Internet Protocol), SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol), VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and PMIP (Proxy Mobile Internet Protocol).
- IP
Interfacing Processor
- IP
Intermediate Pallet
- IP
Intermediate Pressure
- IP
Iron Pipe
- IP
Impact Point
- IP
In Plant
- IP
Industrial Preparedness
The abbreviation IP (Industrial Preparedness) is included in abbreviations such as IPA (Industrial Preparedness Action), IPP (Industrial Preparedness Plan), IPM (Industrial Preparedness Measures) and IPPL (Industrial Preparedness Planning List).
- IP
Inertial Processing
- IP
Initial Point
- IP
Instructor Pilot
- IP
Instrument Payload
- IP
Instrument Processor
- IP
Instituut Poutsma
- IP
Interlocuteur Privilégié
- IP
Intégration Proportionnelle
- IP
Immersion Périscopique
- IP
Intellectual Property