What does IGH mean?
- Code
Themes and places
Immeuble de Grande Hauteur
Internationaler Gerichtshof (https://www.icj-cij.org/)
= CIJ | Cour Internationale de Justice | In French
= CIJ | Corte Internacional de Justicia | In Spanish
= ICJ | International Court of Justice | In English
= CIJ | Corte Internacional de Justiça | In Portuguese
= CIJ | Cort Internacional de Justícia | In Catalan
= MSD | Mezinárodní soudní dvůr | In Czech
= ΔΔΔ | Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Δικαιοσύνης | In Greek
= IK | Internacia Kortumo | In Esperanto
= ICJ | 국제사법재판소 | In Korean
= TTT | Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas | In Lithuanian
= MTS | Międzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości | In Polish
= MSD | Medzinárodný súdny dvor | In Slovak
= МСП | Међународни суд правде | In Serbian
= MSP | Međunarodni sud pravde | In Serbo-Croatian