What does IG mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- IG
Inertial Guidance
The abbreviation IG (Inertial Guidance) is included in the abbreviation IGS (Inertial Guidance System).
- IG
Inner Gimbal
- IG
Instrument Ground
- IG
Instrumentation Group
- IG
Internal Guidance
- IG
Índice glicêmico
= GI | Glycemic Index | In English
= GI | Glykemický index | In Czech
= GI | Glykæmisk indeks | In Danish
= GI | Glykämischer Index | In German
= GI | Glükeemiline indeks | In Estonian
= GI | Glykeeminen indeksi | In Finnish
= ГИ | Гликемијски индекс | In Serbian
= GI | Glisemik indeks | In Turkish - IG
Inscriptiones Graecae
- IG
International Gesture