Multilingual dictionary of abbreviations

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  • IAI




    Themes and places


    International Arbitration Institute

    In English


    Institut Africain d'Informatique

    In French


    Institute of Applied Iridology

    In English

      Inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon

      = MMI | Man-Machine Interface | In English
      = MDI | Människa-datorinteraktion | In Swedish
      = MMI | Man-Machine Interaction | In English
      = CHI | Computer-Human Interaction | In English
      = IHM | Interface Homme-Machine | In French
      = IPM | Interaction Personne-Machine | In French
      = IPO | Interacció Persona-Ordinador | In Catalan
      = HCI | Computer-Human Interaction | In English
      = IPO | Interacción Persona-Ordenador | In Spanish
      = IUM | Interfaccia Uomo-Macchina | In Italian
      = MCI | Mens-computerinteractie | In Dutch
      = IHC | Interação Humano–Computador | In Portuguese
      = ŽKS | Žmogaus ir Kompiuterio Sąveika | In Lithuanian
      = MMI | Menneske–Maskin-Interaksjon | In Norwegian
      = IOC | Interacțiune Om-Calculator | In Romanian
      = İME | İnsan-Makine Etkileşimi | In Turkish
      = BİE | Bilgisayar-İnsan Etkileşimi | In Turkish
      = İBE | İnsan-Bilgisayar Etkileşimi | In Turkish

      In Estonian