Multilingual dictionary of abbreviations

What does FC mean?




Themes and places


Finance Committee

In English


Facility Control

In English


    Ferrite Core

    In English

    Fire Control

    The abbreviation FC (Fire Control) is included in abbreviations such as ATPFC (Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing and Fire Control), CFC (Central Fire Control), FCS (Fire Control System) and GMFCS (Guided Missile Fire Control System).

    In English


    Fit Check

    In English

      Flight Computer

      The abbreviation FC (Flight Computer) is included in abbreviations such as BFC (Backup Flight Computer), FCOS (Flight Computer Operating System) and MFC (Multiple-Flight Computer).

      In English

      Flight Control

      The abbreviation FC (Flight Control) is included in abbreviations such as BFCS (Backup Flight Control System), AFC (Aerodynamic Flight Control), AFC (Automatic Flight Control), AFCS (Automatic Flight Control System), BFC (Backup Flight Control), BUFC (Backup Flight Controller), DFCS (Digital Flight Control Software), DFCS (Digital Flight Control System), FCAP (Flight Control Applications Program), FCD (Flight Control Division), FCDB (Flight Control Data Bus), FCE (Flight Control Equipment), FCH (Flight Controller's Handbook), FCHL (Flight Control Hydraulics Laboratory), FCI (Flight Control Indicator), FCIM (Flight Control Interface Module), FCOH (Flight Controller's Operational Handbook), FCOS (Flight Control Operating System), FCOS (Flight Control Operational Software), FCR (Flight Control Room), FCS (Flight Control Simulator), FCS (Flight Control System), FCT (Flight Control Team), FCT (Flight Controller Trainer), FCTR (Flight Controller Training Room), HFC (Hydraulic Flight Control), HFCL (Hydraulic Flight Control Laboratory), HFCT (Hydraulic Flight Control Test), MFC (Manual Flight Control), MFC (Multiple-Flight Controller), MFCS (Manual Flight Control System), PFCF (Payload Flight Control Facility), PFCS (Primary Flight Control System), SFCS (Survival Flight Control System), SSFCS (Space Shuttle Flight Control System) and TFCS (Triplex Flight Control Subsystem).

      In English


      Flight Critical

      In English

      Fuel Cell

      The abbreviation FC (Fuel Cell) is included in abbreviations such as EFC (European Fuel Cells), PEMFC (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell), SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell), MCFC (Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell), FCP (Fuel Cell Power Plant), FCP (Fuel Cell Propellant), FCPS (Fuel Cell Power System), FCSS (Fuel Cell Servicing System), FCSTF (Fuel Cell System Test Facility), FCT (Fuel Cell Test), FCTF (Fuel Cell Test Facility), AFC (Alkaline Fuel Cell), HFCV (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle), PEMFC (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell), DMFC (Direct-Methanol Fuel Cell) and PAFC (Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell).

      In English


      Female Circumcision

      In English

      Fréquence Cardiaque

      = HR | Heart Rate | In English

      In French


      Football Club

      In many languages