What does ET mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- ET
Esclerosis Tuberosa
= TS | Tuberous Sclerosis | In English
= TS | Tuberøs Sklerose | In Norwegian - ET
External Tank
The abbreviation ET (External Tank) is included in abbreviations such as ETA (External Tank Attachment), ETD (External Tank Door), ETLOW (External Tank Lift-Off Weight), ETS (External Tank System), ETSS (External Tank Separation Subsystem), ETUD (External Tank Umbilical Disconnect) and ETVA (External Tank Vent Arm).
- ET
Edge Thickness
- ET
Elapsed Time
The abbreviation ET (Elapsed Time) is included in abbreviations such as MET (Mission Elapsed Time), FET (Flight Elapsed Time), GET (Ground Elapsed Time), GETI (Ground Elapsed Time of Ignition), GETL (Ground Elapsed Time of Landing), OMET (Orbiter Mission Elapsed Time), PET (Phase Elapsed Time) and PET (Program Elapsed Time).
- ET
Element Test
The abbreviation ET (Element Test) is included in abbreviations such as CET (Combined Element Test) and MET (MultiElement Test).
- ET
Elevated Temperature
- ET
Event Timer
The abbreviation ET (Event Timer) is included in the abbreviation DET (Digital Event Timer).