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Dioničko Društvo
= AB | Akcinė bendrovė | In Lithuanian
= AK | Akcia Kompanio | In Esperanto
= AT | Акцыянэрнае таварыства | In Bulgarian
= AS | Aktsiaselts | In Estonian
= AG | Aktiengesellschaft | In German
= AS | Aksjeselskap | In Norwegian
= SpA | Società per Azioni | In Italian
= AS | Aktieselskab | In Danish
= SA | Spółka Akcyjna | In Polish
= SA | Societăţi pe Acţiuni | In Romanian
= AB | Aktiebolag | In Swedish
= AD | Akcionarsko Društvo | In Serbian
= DD | Delniška Družba | In Slovenian
= AS | Akciová Spoločnosť | In Slovak
= AS | Akciová Společnost | In Czech
= AT | Акціонерне товариство | In Ukrainian - DD
Delniška Družba
= AB, AK, AT, AS, AG, SpA, SA, AD (see above)