Multilingual dictionary of abbreviations

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  • BEI




    Themes and places


    Bulletin d'Études Indiennes

    In French

    Banque Européenne d'Investissement (

    = EIB | European Investment Bank | In English
    = EIB | Europese Investeringsbank | In Dutch
    = BEI | Banca Europeană de Investiţii | In Romanian
    = ЕИБ | Европейска инвестиционна банка | In Bulgarian
    = BEI | Banc Europeu d'Inversions | In Catalan
    = EIB | Europäische Investitionsbank | In German
    = EIB | Evropská investiční banka | In Czech
    = EBI | Eŭropa Banko por Investoj | In Esperanto
    = EIB | Europäesch Investitiounsbank | In Letzeburgesh
    = BEI | Banco Europeo de Investimento | In Galician
    = BEI | Banca Europea degli Investimenti | In Italian
    = BIE | Bank Investasi Eropa | In Indonesian
    = ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка | In Macedonian
    = EIB | 欧州投資銀行 | In Japanese
    = EBI | Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny | In Polish
    = EIB | Európska investičná banka | In Slovak
    = ЄІБ | Європейський інвестиційний банк | In Ukrainian
    = EIP | Euroopan investointipankki | In Finnish
    = ЕИБ | Европска инвестициона банка | In Serbian

    In French

    Banca Europeană de Investiţii (

    = EIB, ЕИБ, EBI, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (see above)

    In Romanian

    Banc Europeu d'Inversions (

    = EIB, ЕИБ, EBI, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (see above)

    In Catalan

    Banco Europeo de Investimento (

    = EIB, ЕИБ, EBI, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (see above)

    In Galician

    Banca Europea degli Investimenti (

    = EIB, ЕИБ, EBI, BIE, ЄІБ, EIP (see above)

    In Italian