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What does AP mean?
- Code
Themes and places
- AP
Accelerometer Package
- AP
Access Panel
- AP
Access Point
- AP
Administrative Procedure
- AP
Air Pressure
- AP
Apprentissage pour Adultes
- AP
Avropa Parlamenti (www.europarl.europa.eu)
= PE | Parlamento Europeo | In Spanish
= EP | Eŭropa Parlamento | In Esperanto
= EP | European Parliament | In English
= EP | Europäisches Parlament | In German
= ΕΚ | Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο | In Greek
= EP | Evropský parlament | In Czech
= PE | Parlament Europeu | In Catalan
= ЕП | Европейски парламент | In Bulgarian
= PE | Parlement Européen | In French
= EP | Europäescht Parlament | In Letzeburgesh
= PE | Parlamento Europeo | In Italian
= EP | Európai Parlament | In Hungarian
= EP | Európsky parlament | In Slovak
= PE | Parlamentul European | In Romanian
= PE | Parlamento Europeu | In Portuguese
= PE | Parlament Europejski | In Polish
= EP | Europees Parlement | In Dutch - AP
Advanced Placement
- AP
Accounts Payable
- AP
Additional Protocol
= PA | Protocole Additionnel | In French
- AP
Argile Plastique