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Themes and places
- AA
Accelerated Assembly
- AA
Associate Administrator
- AA
Accelerometer Assembly
- AA
Affirmative Action
The abbreviation AA (Affirmative Action) is included in abbreviations such as AAP (Affirmative Action Plan), EDAAA (Office of Equality, Diversity and Affirmative Action Administration) and AAP (Affirmative Action Program).
- AA
- AA
Airplane Avionics
- AA
American Airlines (https://www.americanairlines.fr)
- AA
Angular Accelerometer
- AA
Academy of Aphasia
- AA
Alcoholics Anonymous
= AA | Alcooliques Anonymes | In French
= AA | Alcohólicos Anónimos | In Spanish
= AA | Anonieme Alcoholisten | In Dutch
= AA | Anonyme Alkoholikere | In Danish
= AA | Alcohòlics Anònims | In Catalan
= AA | Anonüümsed Alkohoolikud | In Estonian
= AA | Alcólicos Anónimos | In Galician
= AA | Alkoholuloj Anonimaj | In Esperanto
= AA | Anonyme Alkoholiker | In German
= AA | Anonimni Alkoholičari | In Croatian
= AA | Adsız Alkolikler | In Turkish
= AA | Anonyma Alkoholister | In Swedish
= АА | Анонимные Алкоголики | In Russian
= AA | Anonimowi Alkoholicy | In Polish
= AA | Alcolisti Anonimi | In Italian - AA
Alcooliques Anonymes
= АА (see above)
- AA
Alcohólicos Anónimos
= АА (see above)
- AA
Alzheimer's Association
- AA
Anesthesiologist Assistant
- AA
Assigned Amount
- AA
Aerolíneas Argentinas (https://www.aerolineas.com.ar/)
- AA
Anonieme Alcoholisten
= АА (see above)
- AA
Acide Aminé
- AA
Aluminium Association (www.aluminum.org)
- AA
Anonyme Alkoholikere
= АА (see above)
- AA
Alcohòlics Anònims
= АА (see above)
- AA
Anonüümsed Alkohoolikud
= АА (see above)
- AA
Alcólicos Anónimos
= АА (see above)
- AA
Alkoholuloj Anonimaj
= АА (see above)
- AA
Anonyme Alkoholiker
= АА (see above)
- AA
Anonimni Alkoholičari
= АА (see above)
- AA
Adsız Alkolikler
= АА (see above)
- AA
Anonyma Alkoholister
= АА (see above)
- AA
Anonimowi Alkoholicy
= АА (see above)
- AA
Alcolisti Anonimi
= АА (see above)
- AA
Abbreviated Alert