Was bedeutet CB?
- Code
Themen und Örter
- CB
Center of Buoyancy
- CB
Circuit Breaker
Die Abkürzung CB (Circuit Breaker) ist in den Abkürzungen PCB (Power Circuit Breaker), RCB (Remote Circuit Breaker) und RCCB (Remote Central Circuit Breaker) enthalten.
- CB
Control Board
Die Abkürzung CB (Control Board) ist in den Abkürzungen CCB (Change Control Board), CCB (Configuration Control Board), CCBD (Configuration Control Board Directive), CPCB (Crew Procedures Control Board), DCB (Data Control Board), DCB (Design Control Board), ERCB (Energy Resources Control Board), FCB (Fracture Control Board), FRCB (Flight Rules Control Board), HCCB (Hardware Configuration Control Board), ISCCB (Internal Software Change Control Board), MMCCB (Multimission Change Control Board), MSCB (Manufacturing Status Control Board), OASCB (Orbiter Avionics Software Control Board), OMRSCB (Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Control Board), PCB (Parts Control Board), PCCB (Program Change Control Board), PCCB (Program Configuration Control Board), PMPCB (Parts, Materials, and Processes Control Board), PRCB (Program Requirements Control Board), PRCB (Program Review Control Board), PRCBD (Program Requirements Control Board Directive), RCCB (Rockwell Configuration Control Board), SASCB (Shuttle Avionics Software Control Board), SCB (Schedule Control Board), SCB (Selection Control Board), SCB (Software Control Board), SCB (Specification Control Board), SCCB (Site Configuration Control Board), SCCB (Software Change Control Board), SCCB (Software Configuration Control Board), SOCCB (Secure Operations Configuration Control Board), SRCB (Simulation Requirements Control Board), SSCB (Space Station Control Board), DMICB (Daily Mission Integration Control Board) und ECCB (Engineering Change Control Board) enthalten.
- CB
Certification Board
Die Abkürzung CB (Certification Board) ist in der Abkürzung CCB (CEN Certification Board) enthalten.
- CB
Change Board